Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Writer's Greatest Foe...

Okay, well, I obviously haven’t been writing in my blog very much lately.  That’s bad.  But what’s worse is that I haven’t been writing for fun either. 

So that’s what I want to blog about today…why I haven’t been writing.

You see, I am a professor at a university and I’m a husband to a wonderful woman who loves me deeply and a father to two fantastic kids who don’t pick up their toys unless I hound them to do so.  I also have to workout and take care of myself physically, meditate, and all that.  Finding time to sit down (or stand up, as I actually do) and write is problematic. You might say it’s the writer’s greatest foe.

Whether it’s losing weight or being with friends, “I just don’t have time” seems to be the mantra of most people wanting to do things nowadays.  Honestly, how many times do you say it?  I probably use some variation of that statement five or six times a week.

“I’d love to pick up all the black walnuts littering the yard…but I just don’t have time right now.”

“I know that the car needed an oil change two thousand miles ago…but I just don’t have time to bring it in today.”

And so forth and so on.

What I need to remember is…we all have exactly the same amount of time in the day.  The issue isn’t “having” time.  We have time.  It’s “dedicating” time.  It’s about priorities.  It’s also about expectations.

You see, I always want to sit down and write for hours.  While that would be splendid, it just isn’t going to happen…at least not with any kind of regularity.  And writers need to write regularly.  Manuscripts get stale faster than bread.  We need to write frequently or the story dies.

What I keep forgetting is that we don’t need a lot of time to write.  In fact, my first book (RIDDLEIN STONE) was written in 15 minute increments.   Every day for about two years, I came to work, sat down, turned on my computer (dicked around on the internet), and then forced myself to write something for at least fifteen minutes.  I think everybody could find fifteen minutes to dedicate to writing if they really want to.  If they can’t, perhaps they REALLY don’t want to.

Fifteen minutes…five times a week.

It doesn’t sound like much—but it’s a beginning.  Fifteen minutes.  Bit by bit. Word by word. Scene by scene.

That’s going to be my new mantra  from now on.  Hopefully, by the end of next year, I’ll have something for you all that’s worth reading.

I’ll keep you all posted on my progress!


  1. Dicked around on the internet... the story of my life.
    I'm actually going to use NaNoWriMo's word count (to some degree) and hope to produce something by the end of December at least. Good luck Rob :D!

    1. Thanks, Sharena. Starting a completely new manuscript is always difficult.

  2. Yup. Procrastination is my biggest foe. I have no excuse not to write, I choose not to because I'm lazy. I have to stop being lazy. My story will never get done if I don't write it. Perhaps I need to give myself a deadline. Seemed to help me get the first draft done of my first novel. My current WIP has been very slow going, partly because of depression and partly because of lack of research sources, but mostly cuz I iz a lazy. Like right now, I should be working on my WIP, but instead I'm putzing around on the internet. :P

    1. How's your depression been lately, KE? Everything okay?
